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School of Serbian Language and Culture + Hostel : . . Hous*e L : . . Valjevo

School of Serbian Language and Culture + Hostel : . . Hous*e L : . . Milovana Glisica 82, Valjevo
The two different but complementary functions of the building are organized in the overlapping sequences of the different types of spaces and ambiances. The overall character of the building is open and inviting, aiming to include the city in the life of the school and its activities. Despite this openness, the intimate corners and the quiet common areas are also integrated into a rich but yet very simple spatial scheme.
The school of the Serbian language and culture, with a hostel, is located in Valjevo, a small city in the west of Serbia. It is situated on one of the hills of the wider city center, among the private houses of a similar or smaller volume. In order to meet the clients needs for diverse space types and also in order to adequately correspond to the surrounding ambience, the School is designed as a quiet neighbor who also uses all the benefits of the location to realize different spatial qualities. A narrow and sloped lot, with an outstanding view towards the cityscape, as well as a mixed function of the building, were the main motives for architectural and spatial concept. The winded and branched communication line, from the entrance point to the flat roofs or to the hidden backyard, and the series of micro-ambiences with different functions (an open classroom with the stand, a courtyard under vines at the lowest level, and so on) were the goals to achieve by shaping the form divided into two volumes, gathered in a dynamic composition by virtue of the rotation and the elevation, and the carefully placed openings and connections.
The school object is designed so as to house a private language school, known for its successful and well-visited summer courses, which gather mainly international students of the Slavic languages. Therefore, the visual contact with the local urban landscape and its surroundings acts not only as one of the visual but also educational addition to its users’ experience. The main structure of the building is designed as a system made of reinforced concrete wrap – the façade walls, and the full floor slabs in the same material. The interiors of the volumes are designed as open spaces, divided according to the user’s actual needs by the light wall partitions or the glass panels. The overall selection of the materials and the construction methods, as well as the quality of the finishing works, all correspond to the lower price range of the construction and the local know-how of an average quality. The main architectural goal was to build the plural ambiances and meaningful spatial impressions.
client: Serbian Language and Culture Workshop
project: 2011-2014
construction: 2012-2015
site area: 482m²
building area: 141m²
gross floor area: 658m²
Grozdana Šišović, Dejan Milanović
Zorica Medjo, Nikola Milanović, Aleksandra Kresoja, Marija Strajnić, Aleksandra Bogdanović, Aleksandra Mihajlović, Hristina Stojanović, Luka Jovićević, Ivana Jevremović, Vukša Marvučić, Maja Morošan, Miloš Kostić
photo: Relja Ivanić + re:a.c.t